In order to apply for the rent subsidy, you need to be registered at the municipality, and you need to apply for DigiD (, and then it’s possible to login to and apply for subsidy. The website is only available in Dutch.
Furthermore, there are some restrictions which depend on your household. These are the restrictions for 2022. For current restrictions look on
– If you are older than 23 years the basic rent* should not exceed € 763,47 a month. If you are younger than 23 years the basic rent should not exceed € 442,46 a month in order to apply (unless you have a child that’s living with you, in that case it’s € 763,47). *Be aware that the rent you pay monthly is the total rent: basic rent and service costs. In your rental agreement you can find the basic rent (in Dutch it is called ‘kale huur’).
– The income limit for 2022 is not defined, How high your income may be depends on your rent, your age and the composition of your household. You can do a test calculation on this website, the test is in Dutch.
– You should also not have too much capital, such as savings. Every resident may have a maximum of € 31 747 on 1 January 2022. Partners together may have a maximum of € 63 494 on 1 January 2022.
If you have more questions about the subsidy or need assistance with the application please let us know.